Our noble duty calls us to encounter each person exactly where they are on life's journey.Whether trapped in the clutches of homelessness, entangled in the webs of addiction, or burdened by mental illness leading to unwise choices, our aim is to uplift them beyond these obstacles. With unwavering compassion, we illuminate a path towards redemption, revealing the triumph over afflictions through the gentle touch of recovery programs. In our actions, we exemplify the boundless love of God.

Graudation from Drug Court

Purpose statement –Our purpose resonates in filling the voids of homelessness within our communities, extending our reach to those society may deem marginalized. Through the lens of divine affection, God perceives the broken, the downtrodden, and the forgotten, with love, mercy, and forgiveness, for we are all cherished in God's eyes. We collaborate with organizations that aid those on the fringes of society, guiding the afflicted towards the assistance they require. Moreover, we endeavor to bridge the divide for those who may not yet be prepared to embrace these programs, working alongside them to fulfill the necessary criteria for entry. Our mission is to faithfully follow where God leads, directing individuals as divinely guided. Unveiling God's love through tangible acts of compassion constitutes our unwavering devotion, offered to one and all.

Our Mission

Drug Court Graduation